MQTT API Documentation
This document provides details on how to send data using MQTT to the given topic structure. It includes topic formatting, payload structure, and valid data types and units.
1. MQTT Topic Structure
Clients should publish data to the following topic:
Topic Variables
Variable | Description |
$MQTT_USERNAME | Unique MQTT username assigned to the client. |
$CLIENT_ID | Unique identifier for the device sending data. |
Example Topic
2. Payload Format
The payload should be a JSON array of objects, where each object represents a data point.
"type": "$DATA_TYPE",
"unit": "$DATA_UNIT",
Payload Fields
The payload consists of a JSON array where each object represents a data point.
Field | Type | Description |
channel | Integer | Unique channel number assigned to the data point. |
type | String | Data type being sent (e.g., temperature , humidity ). |
unit | String | Measurement unit (e.g., C , RH ). |
value | Numeric | The actual reading (integer or float). |
name | String (Optional) | Descriptive name for the data point (e.g., "SNR", "CO2"). |
"channel": 100,
"type": "rssi",
"unit": "dbm",
"value": -55
"channel": 101,
"type": "snr",
"unit": "db",
"value": 12,
"name": "SNR"
"channel": 6,
"type": "co2",
"unit": "ppm",
"value": 450,
"name": "CO2"
"channel": 107,
"type": "voltage",
"unit": "v",
"value": 3.3,
"name": "Battery Voltage"
3. List of Supported Data Types and Units
Below are commonly supported data types and their corresponding measurement units.
Environmental Data
Type | Unit | Description |
temperature | C | Temperature in Celsius. |
humidity | RH | Relative Humidity percentage. |
pressure | Pa | Atmospheric pressure in Pascals. |
co2 | ppm | Carbon Dioxide concentration in ppm. |
Signal Strength
Type | Unit | Description |
rssi | dbm | Received Signal Strength Indicator. |
snr | db | Signal-to-Noise Ratio. |
Electrical Data
Type | Unit | Description |
voltage | v | Voltage in Volts. |
current | a | Current in Amperes. |
power | w | Power in Watts. |
4. Python Example (paho-mqtt)
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import json
# MQTT Broker Info
PORT = 1883
TOPIC = f"v1/{USERNAME}/things/{CLIENT_ID}/data/json"
# MQTT Payload
payload = json.dumps([
{"channel": 100, "type": "rssi", "unit": "dbm", "value": -55},
{"channel": 6, "type": "co2", "unit": "ppm", "value": 450, "name": "CO2"}
# MQTT Client Setup
client = mqtt.Client()
client.username_pw_set(USERNAME, "your_password")
client.connect(BROKER, PORT, 60)
# Publish Data
client.publish(TOPIC, payload)
5. Javascript (NodeJS) Example
const mqtt = require('mqtt');
// MQTT Broker Configuration
const BROKER_URL = "mqtt://";
const TOPIC = `v1/${MQTT_USERNAME}/things/${CLIENT_ID}/data/json`;
// Create MQTT Client and Connect
const client = mqtt.connect(BROKER_URL, {
username: MQTT_USERNAME,
password: PASSWORD
// Payload Data
const payload = JSON.stringify([
{ "channel": 100, "type": "rssi", "unit": "dbm", "value": -55 },
{ "channel": 101, "type": "snr", "unit": "db", "value": 12, "name": "SNR" },
{ "channel": 6, "type": "co2", "unit": "ppm", "value": 450, "name": "CO2" },
{ "channel": 107, "type": "voltage", "unit": "v", "value": 3.3, "name": "Battery Voltage" }
// Publish Data Once Connected
client.on("connect", () => {
console.log("Connected to MQTT Broker");
client.publish(TOPIC, payload, { qos: 1 }, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error("Failed to publish message:", err);
} else {
console.log("Message published successfully!");
client.end(); // Close connection after publishing
// Handle Errors
client.on("error", (err) => {
console.error("MQTT Error:", err);